Orthodox Easter Moday
adjoin associate concatenate connect
affix attach conjoin join
append conbine
To unite is to come together so as to form a larger or a stronger unit; as, the United States of America. Combine is the preferable term when a somewhat looser union is to be suggested. An object that adjoins another touches that other at one or more points or at one side or edge; a garden adjoins a house when lying beside or behind it; if we were to say that the gardenis connected with the house, we should think of some path or passageway by which the one might be reached from the other.
To conjoin is to join with much completeness and permanence, as by adhesion, intergrowing, r fusing together at a point, edge, or surface; paint is at once conjoined with the surface to which it is applied; things that are joined, but not conjoined. Conjoin is often interchangeable with unite, but conjoin directs attention to the original separateness, unite to the final unity.
To subjoin is to add at the end, to attach or affix as something additional, to append. Concatenate (at somewhat rare or technical word) signifies to join in a chain or series, all the parts of which have neutral realtions; as, in nature causes and effects are concatenated. See add; applend; apply; attach.
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