Easter Sunday
[April 8th 2018 Orthodox Easter Sunday]
coalition conjunction juncture unificationcombination cooperation oneness unity
concert junction solidarity
Union is a bringing together of things that have been distinct so that they combine or coalesce to form a new whole, or state or condition of things thus brought together; in a union the separate individuality of the things united is never lost sight of; we speak of the union of the parts of a fractured bone, or of the union of the thirteen colonies, or of the union of hearts in marriage. Unity is oneness, the state of being one, especially of at which never has been divided or of that which cannot be conceived of as resolved into parts; as, the unity of God or the unity of the human soul. But unity can be said of that which is manifestly or even conspicuously made up of parts, when a single purpose or ideal is so subserved by all that their possible separateness is lost sight of; as, we speak of the unity of the human body, or of the unity of the church. Solidarity denotes the unity of a group or class, by which it displays its strength or exerts its influence, either as a whole or through individuals; as, the solidarity of the working classes. Compare alliance; association; attachment; harmony; marriage.
ANTONYMS: analysis, contrariety, decomposition, disconnection, disjunction, dissociation,
disunion, division, divorce, schism, separation, severance.
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