Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Goose Tracks

Shuffle-Shoon and Amber-Locks

Shuffle-Shoon and Amber-Locks
 sit togethre, building blocks;
Shuffle-Shoon is old and gray,
 Amber-Locks a little child, 
But together at their play 
Age and Youth are reconciled,
And with sympathetic glee
Build their castles fair to see.

"When I grow to be a man"
(So the wee one's prattle ran),
"I shall build a castle so--
With a gateway broad and grand;
Here a pretty vine shall grow,
There a soldier guard shall stand;
And the tower shall be so high,
Folks will wonder, by and by!"

Shuffle-Shoon quoth: "Yes, I know; 
Thus I builded long ago!
Here a gate and there a wall,
Here a window, there a door;
Here a steeple wondrous tall
Riseth ever more and more!
But the years have levelled low
What I builded long ago!"

So they gossip at their play,
Heedless of the fleeting day;
One speaks of the Long Ago
Where his dead hopes buried lie;
One with chubby cheeks aglow
Prattleth of the By and By;
Side by side, they build their blocks--
Shuffle-Shoon and Amber-Locks.
Poesm of Childhood 
Evgene Field
With Illvstrations  
by Maxfield Parrish

March 14

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