Saturday, March 2, 2013

Ridged Slip Stitch

DIVULGE, Divulgate, evulgate <old>; reveal, make known, tell, breathe, utter,
vent, ventilate, air, give vent to, give out, let out, <Brit> let get around, out with <nonformal> come out with; break it to, break the news; let in on or to, confide, confide to, let one's hair down <nonformal> unbosom oneself, let into the secret; publish betray, inform inform on talk and peach <both nonformal>; rat and stool and sing and squeal <all nonformal> spill <nonformal> spill the beans <nonformal> let the cat out of the bag <nonformal> speak before one thinks, be unguarded or indiscreet, kiss and tell, give away and give the show away and give the game away <all nonformal> betray a confidence, tell secrets, reveal a secret; have a big mouth or bazoo <nonformal> blab or blabber <nonformal> babble, tattle, tell or tattle on, tell tales, tell tales out of school; talk out of turn, let slip, let fall or drop; blurt, blurt out. Confess, break down and confess, admit acknowledge, tell all, avow, concede, grant, own, own up <nonformal> let on implicate or incriminate oneself, come clean <nonformal> spill and spill it and spillone's guts <all nonformal> tell the truth, tell all, admit everything, let it all hang out <nonformal>  throw off all disguise; plead guilty, own oneself in the wrong, cop a plea <nonformal> unbosom oneself, make a clean breast, get it off one's chest <nonformal> get it out of one's ystem <nonformal> disburden or unburden one's mind or conscience or heart, get a load off one's mind <nonformal> fess up <nonforma> out with it and spit it out and open up <all nonformal> throw oneself on the mercy of the court; reveal oneself, show one's colors or true colors, come out of the closet <nonformal> show ones hand or cards, put or lay ones cards on the table be reveled become known, surface come to light appear, manifest itself, come to one's ears, transpire, leak out, get out, come out, out, come home to roost, come out in the wash, break forth, show its face; show its colors be seen in its true colors, stand revealed; blow ones' cover, <nonformal> revealed, disclosed disclosive, revealing, revelatory, revelational; disclosing, showing, exposing, betraying; kiss-and-tell; eye-opening; talkative admitted onvfessed, self-confessed confessional, admissive, make public, go public with <nonformal> bring or lay or drag before the public, display, take one's case to the public, give or put out, give to the world,  make known, divulge ventilate, air, give air to, bring into the open, get out in the open, open up broach, give vent to, ventilate, announce annunciate, enunciate; declare state, declare roundly, affirm, pronounce, give notice; say, make a statement, send a message or signal; report, make and announcement or a report, issue a statement, publish or issue a manifesto, present a position paper, issue a white paper, hold a press conference, proclaim, cry, cry out, propmulgate, give voice to hearld, herald a broad; blazon, blaze, blaze or blazon about, or abroad, thunder forth, thunder, declaim, shout, trumpet, trumpet, announce with flourish of trumpets or beat of drum; shout from the housetops, proclaim at the crossroads or maket cross, proclaim at Charing Cross <Brit> Messenger, message-bearer, dispatch-bearer, commissionaire.  Published, come out appear, break, hit the streets, circulate, spread, broadcast, telecast, televiosed, affirmed, accessible, open to the pubnlic, promulgatory, propagatory; proclamatory, limelight or spotlight public eye, heraldic, go or fly or buzz or blow about go the rounds, be on everyones' lips, go through the length and breadth of the land; spread like wildfire...TBC.

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